HP3468A美國惠普5位半萬用表 Agilent 3468A 5-1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter with HP-IL interface Description The HP Agilent 3468A is a used Digital Multimeter that has 5 functions with selectable 5 1/2 4 1/2 or 3 1/2 digit resolution. DC and true RMS AC voltage measurements are provided from 0.3 V full scale range with 1 ?V sensitivity up to 300 V. Bandwidth of the true RMS AC converter is from 20Hz to 100kHz on all ranges and up to 300kHz on the 30 V range. Either 2 or 4-wire ohms measurements can be selected with a maximum range of 30 Mohms. Both DC and true RMS AC current capability is provided up to 3 Amps. One outstanding feature of the HP 3468A meter is the complete calibration is done electronically either manually from the front-panel of remotely in an automatic calibration system. There are NO INTERNAL ADJUSTMENTS complete calibration of all functions can be done without removal of covers! HP-IL (simple 2-wire interface) allows for full programmability
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E-MAIL:? wsktjhxk@126.com
網? 址: http://qihang17.testmart.cn/????? http://www.qihang17.com
地? 址: 東莞市塘廈鎮(zhèn)塘龍東路
HP3468A美國惠普5位半萬用表 Agilent 3468A 5-1/2 Digit Digital Multimeter with HP-IL interface Description The HP Agilent 3468A is a used Digital Multimeter that has 5 functions with selectable 5 1/2 4 1/2 or 3 1/2 digit resolution. DC and true RMS AC voltage measurements are provided from 0.3 V full scale range with 1 ?V sensitivity up to 300 V. Bandwidth of the true RMS AC converter is from 20Hz to 100kHz on all ranges and up to 300kHz on the 30 V range. Either 2 or 4-wire ohms measurements can be selected with a maximum range of 30 Mohms. Both DC and true RMS AC current capability is provided up to 3 Amps. One outstanding feature of the HP 3468A meter is the complete calibration is done electronically either manually from the front-panel of remotely in an automatic calibration system. There are NO INTERNAL ADJUSTMENTS complete calibration of all functions can be done without removal of covers! HP-IL (simple 2-wire interface) allows for full programmability
HP/Agilent (惠普/安捷倫)????????????????? R&S (羅德&施瓦茨)
ADVANTEST (愛德曼)??????????????????????? FLUKE (福祿克)
Anritsu (安立)??????????????????????????? TEK (泰克)
信號源?? 信號分析儀?? 發(fā)射/接收機測試儀, 頻譜分析儀,? 音頻分析儀,? 調制度分析儀,
失真度分析儀,? 矢量信號分析儀, 動態(tài)信號分析儀, EMC分析儀, 有線電視分析儀)
網絡分析儀?? 功率計? 放大器? 噪聲系數測試儀? 射頻和微波測量附件 等
無線通信綜合測試儀?? 射頻通訊測試儀??? 峰窩基站測試儀?? GSM移動臺測試儀
CDMA移動臺測試儀???? GSM射頻通訊測試儀? 等
光時域反射計?? 光譜分析儀?? 光衰減器?? 光萬用表?? 光部件分析儀?? 通信性能分析儀?
光源? 誤碼儀? 光示波器?? 光功率傳感器? 光功率主機 光模塊? 偏振控制器
可調激光源? 光波長表? 回損測試儀? 光功率探頭 光纖適配器? 光波測量系統(tǒng)?? 等
示波器?? 電子計數器?? 萬用表? 數據采集開關? 函數信號發(fā)生器? 電子負載? 頻率計 電源等
邏輯分析儀?? 材料阻抗分析儀?? LCR測試儀?? 絕緣阻抗測試儀?? 抖晃測試儀? 電橋
毫伏表?? 噪音表?? Q表?? 高壓儀? 信納表? 等
??? 東莞市啟航電子科技有限公司是專門從事射頻、微波、電子測試儀器研發(fā)、銷售、維修,計量和技
??? 啟航公司擁有雄厚的實力,匯聚了儀器行業(yè)大量技術人才,公司核心管理團隊擁有多年的行業(yè)